Astoria Riverfront Vision Plan
Due to its beautiful location, burgeoning artist community, unique civic character and strategic investment, the City of Astoria is a growing and vital community. Astoria's waterfront has become a magnet for new in-fill and redevelopment projects and proposals - particularly condominiums - in recent years. While these key projects have helped transform Astoria's economy, dramatic changes over the years have caused concern that the community's quality could be affected by the current pace of development. As a result, the city worked with the community to help establish a sustainable waterfront vision, ensuring equitable waterfront growth by balancing development with the desire to preserve Astoria's quality of life and connection to its unique history.
The City conducted a public involvement waterfront planning and community visioning process to guide future use, preservation and development of private and public lands adjacent and close to the Columbia River. The final Astoria Riverfront Vision Plan was approved by the City Council on December 7, 2009.
Project Documents