Adult Sports & Programs:
The Astoria Parks and Recreation Department offers limited adult programs* and provides limited athletic clinics and tournaments. Click HERE to see which sports are currently open for registration.
INDOOR: Tuesday & Wednesday 5:00 - 7:30 PM and Saturday 9:00 AM - Noon @ The Astoria Armory. 1636 Exchange St.
- $5.00 Drop-In
-Unlimited Pickleball Pass Membership $130.00
- 4 Courts (Gym Floor, First-Come-First-Served)
OUTDOOR: Fred Lindstrom Park OPEN Play Daylight - Dark, daily. @ 712 Niagara Ave.
-4 Courts (Tennis Court Outdoor Surface)
- No Reservations.

Youth Sports & Programs:
The Astoria Parks and Recreation Department offers seasonal youth sports programs* and provides limited athletic clinics and camps. Click HERE to see which sports are currently open for registration.
*Scholarships for registration may be available for qualifying 97103 residents using funds donated from our partner, the Astoria Parks, Recreation, and Community Foundation Fill out the application HERE.
Community Events:
The Astoria Parks and Recreation Department offers Community Events. Click HERE to see which events are currently open.

Recreation Coordinator: Grace Wilbur
Recreation Coordinator: Hailey O'Brien
Recreation Manger: Tyler Lyngstad