+++ 2022 +++

Our Parks & Facilities

Come and visit our Parks! Click below for the link to locations. We have a variety of tennis courts, basketball courts, ballfields, skatepark, trails, and much more.

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Final Draft Design Heritage Square 2

Based on over 150 responses to the previous survey, multiple public meetings, and stakeholder engagements, we are very close to a proposed final design for public space at Heritage Square.

Open till March 10, share your feedback TODAY!!!
City Council will consider the final draft design at their March 17 meeting at 6pm at City Hall (1095 Duane St.)

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Parks and Recreation

Employee of the Month



Ethan McCarley is our Employee of the Month! Ethan is a Head Lifeguard with over 10 year's experience working at the Astoria Aquatic Center. Ethan has a great safety mindset and is always prepared in the event of emergencies. Ethan recently responded to simultaneous issues: a person had vomited in the Recreation Pool and while he was cleaning that up, another person passed out in the Spa and suffered a significant head injury. Ethan calmly and professionally dealt with both problems and ensured that all safety precautions were carried out (the person is ok and the pool is 100% clean!). Ethan also typically closes the facility on weeknights and works hard to clean all areas so they are ready to be used the following day.