+++ 2022 +++

Our Parks & Facilities

Come and visit our Parks! Click below for the link to locations. We have a variety of tennis courts, basketball courts, ballfields, skatepark, trails, and much more.

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White and Yellow Modern Public Speaking Workshop Flyer

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Parks and Recreation

Employee of the Month

Charlie EOM


Charlie Shumar is our Employee of the Month! Charlie is the Parks Facilities Coordinator and spends his time maintaining and upgrading sites like the Astoria Aquatic Center, public restrooms around town, the Astoria Column, the Old Yacht Club building, and many more! Charlie recently assisted with the installation of new play equipment at Lindstrom Park and also regularly inspects all of our playgrounds to ensure they're safe for use. Charlie is an integral part of our Parks Maintenance Division and our Department as a whole and we appreciate all his hard work!