These materials are available for library use only unless otherwise noted.
Astoriana collection
A unique collection of print materials related to local history
Astoria city directories
1890-2000, some years missing
Newspaper archives
Newspaper index through 1999
Astoria newspapers (Astoria Daily Budget, Morning Astorian, etc.) 1860s-2006 on microfilm, some dates missing
One year of Daily Astorian back-issues
Marriage index 1961-2008
Divorce index 1961-2008
Death index 1971-2008
Genealogical Helper 1950-1986
Blueprints of Astoria building plans
Sanborn maps
Map books for 1908, 1921, 1924, 1934, 1940, 1954
Microfiche for 1884, 1888, 1892
Proquest Sanborn map online database for Oregon cities, including Astoria maps for 1884, 1888, 1892, 1996, 1908. Click here to log in with a library card number and PIN (last 4 digits of card number).
Astoria High School (Zephyrus) 1905-present
Warrenton High School 1958-1977
Historic buildings and landmarks
National Register inventory for Astoria’s named streets, numbered streets, and downtown
Historic landmarks inventory for Astoria’s named and numbered streets
Historic district inventories for Hobson-Flavel, Uniontown-Alameda, and Fort Hill districts