Who can get a card
The Astoria Public Library is supported by city property taxes, and residents of the city are not required to pay an additional fee for library membership. Nonresidents who own property within the city, and who annually show proof of having paid Astoria property taxes, are also eligible for library membership at no additional cost*. Otherwise, persons who reside outside of Astoria city limits may purchase library membership for their households at the following rates:
- $6 for one month (limit of 6 items at a time)
- $17.50 for a three-month period
- $35 for a six-month period
- $70 for a twelve-month period
Free library cards for Clatsop County kids
A non-profit organization allows Astoria, Seaside, and Warrenton libraries to fund Libraries ROCC (Reading Outreach in Clatsop County), a program designed to extend library services to all Clatsop County youth, ages 0-19, who live outside city limits.
Oregon Library Passport Program
Astoria Public Library participates in the Oregon Library Passport Program, a program allowing card-holders from participating libraries to register and use other participating libraries across the state.
How to Get Your Card
Patrons age 18 and older must display proof of identity and address in order to obtain a library card. The following forms of proof are accepted.
Proof of identity
Driver's license
State ID
Military ID
Mexican matrícula consular ID
Proof of address (if ID card does not display current address)
Property tax statement dated within the last year*
Utility bill dated within the last month*
Current lease or rental agreement*
*name of applicant must appear on the bill or statement
For patrons age 15 and younger, a parent or legal guardian must come to the library in order to show ID and proof of address, and to sign the borrower's agreement before a card can be issued. The adult will be the responsible party on the account.
Patrons age 16 or older may obtain a card by meeting the ID and proof of address requirements for adults, as listed above. Identification and address documentation may also include school photo ID and documents.
Loan Periods, Renewals and Holds
Local history, reference materials, newspapers and current magazine issues are available for in-library use. New items check out for 14 days. All other items check out for 21 days, and can be renewed twice as long as they have not been requested by someone else.
Items may be renewed in person, by phone, or on the library website. Patrons can also place holds on items by speaking to library staff or by accessing their accounts online. Please have your library card available when checking out, renewing items, or accessing your account in any way.
Library Fines and Fees
Overdue Fines
- Adult Items -- $.25 per day per item
- Youth Collections--no overdue charges
Other Fees
- Lost and Damaged Items -- charges for lost or damaged items will be the cost of the item.
- Replacement Fee for Lost Library Card -- $6.00