Design Review Commission

The five-member Design Review Commission's responsibility is to evaluate the design of proposed projects within the Gateway, Uniontown and Riverfront Overlay Areas based on established design review guidelines. The Design Review Commission consists of a builder, a design professional (architect, landscape architect, building designer, or artist), a businessperson, a citizen representative, and a Historic Landmarks Commission representative. Members serve four-year terms and are appointed by the Mayor. The Commission's decisions can be appealed to the City Council.

Commission Members:

Jared Rickenbach, President
Ian Sisson, Vice President
John Jolley
Richard Winn
Dulcye Taylor


Regular meetings are held on the 1st Thursday of each month, as needed, at 5:30 p.m., in the City Hall Council Chambers, 1095 Duane Street. Work sessions are held periodically following Commission meetings.

Meeting notices, agendas and minutes are posted on the City of Astoria website:
Click here to view current meeting agendas and minutes.  
Click here to view past (prior to Sept. 2019) meeting and agendas. 


Complete applications are due to the City by the 1st of the month prior to the meeting. Pre-application meeting with the Planner is required. It is recommended that applications be submitted prior to the 1st of the month to assure that that application is complete.


To determine if a property is within an Overlay Area, go to the map link or contact the Planning Division. Design Guidelines for the Gateway Uniontown, and Riverfront Overlay Areas can be found in the Astoria Development Code Article 14. Staff can assist with information and resources concerning when review is required and how these areas differ from other land use reviews.

Design Review Commission Contact:

Planning Division
1095 Duane Street
Astoria, OR 97103