Public Works Capital Improvement Plan
Public Works has prepared a Draft Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) that serves as a crucial financial planning document outlining capital projects expected to be completed over the next five years. This plan is informed by established master plans, including the Water System Master Plan (2021) and the Transportation System Plan (2013). It will be utilized as the primary resource for communicating the City of Astoria's critical infrastructure needs while addressing the challenges of aging infrastructure and the financial constraints to maintain essential services to the community.
Staff presented the CIP to the City Council at the January 27, 2025, City Council Work Session. The CIP is viewable to the public at the link above and all interested persons are invited to submit their comments via email to Jeff Harrington, P.E., Public Works Director, at jharrington@astoria.gov by March 1, 2025. The CIP will be considered for formal adoption at an upcoming City Council meeting in March, 2025.