Wastewater Treatment Plant Headworks Improvement Project
A new wastewater treatment plant headworks with influent flow measurement, screening and grit removal needs to be constructed to minimize future loss of lagoon capacity and maintain compliance with the City’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit. In addition, there are a number of treatment process improvements that will maintain the organic treatment capacity, including installing baffles and solids removal.
The project will include:
- Influent Box and Flow Meter: Installation of a magnetic flow meter in concrete vault with associated electrical and instrumentation.
- Screening Facility: a minimum 2-channel screening system is necessary due to the varying influent flows.
- Grit Removal Facility: vortex grit basin with associated grit washing and dewatering equipment to remove grit throughout the wide range of influent flows.
- Flow Distribution Structure: flow distribution box with two sluice gates will receive flow from the grit basin.
- Lagoon Upgrades: remove solids and baffle curtains in Cells 2 and 3.
The Wastewater Treatment Plant Headworks Improvement Project keeps the City in compliance with NPDES Permit and accounts for future population growth. The total project cost including design engineering and construction is estimated at $9,869,232 with $4,860,000 of the cost being funded through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund.