The City's Comprehensive Plan has been revised to comply with Statewide Planning Goals and Guidelines including the coastal goals pertaining to estuarine resources and coastal shorelands and addresses local concerns and problems. The City's Plan is not a fixed document as it is recognized that many changes may take place. Changes in the Plan may be made with appropriate Findings of Fact. Major legislative changes in the plan shall be made no more frequently than two year intervals; minor changes shall be considered on a yearly basis. Any Plan changes, amendments or revisions must be done in an open, well-publicized manner.
All city ordinances, policies and actions must be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Where there is a conflict between the Plan and ordinances and other city policies, the Plan shall prevail. The various policies are intended to interrelate not only with each other, but with those of Clatsop County and special districts within the urban growth boundary. Where inconsistent policies are found, they must be corrected by a Plan amendment.
To view the City of Astoria Comprehensive Plan, please use the below link to the City's online municipal code.
City of Astoria General Plan