Astoria Municipal Court
City Hall, 3rd Floor
1095 Duane St.
Astoria, OR
The Municipal Court handles citations issued by the Astoria Police Department for traffic violations and misdemeanor law violations. It also handles citations for parking offense, animal control offenses and City code violations.
The Court procedures are administered by the Municipal Judge, who is an attorney licensed to practice in Oregon, and who is appointed by the City Council. The Council reviews the Judge’s performance annually. The Municipal Court is comprised of a part-time judge and a clerk.
Court sessions are currently held on Wednesday evenings at 5:15 p.m. Jury trials for misdemeanor cases are scheduled as needed, on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays or Fridays.
Kristopher Kaino, an area attorney, has been appointed by the City Council to serve as Municipal Judge on a contract basis.
• Reach us by phone at: (503) 325-3939
• Reach us by email at:
• Reach us by Fax at: (503) 338-6630
• Mail may be addressed to:
Municipal Court Clerk
1095 Duane Street
Astoria, Oregon 97103