"The Astoria Police Department's core values are: Service, Respect, Accountability, Excellence, Collaboration and Learning."
At the June 1, 2020 City Council Meeting, I briefly shared with the Mayor and Councilors some insight and information about the policies of the Astoria Police Department. I also shared our stance on recent events in Minneapolis which have resulted in protests and counter protests across the country and right here in Astoria.
Please read the full document provided to City Council here.
The following letter was posted on Facebook on May 30, 2020.
The recent events in Minneapolis involving the tragic death of George Floyd have reignited concerns about relationships between the police and communities nationwide. As your police chief, I want to assure our community, the Astoria Police Department does not train or condone the use of the techniques I observed Minneapolis police officers use during this horrific incident which led to his death.
On behalf of the fine men and women of the Astoria Police Department, we want our community to know that our core values are: Service, Respect, Accountability, Excellence, Collaboration and Learning. We recognize and value the sanctity of human life and we believe all persons should be treated humanely and with dignity. Each member of our Police Department is expected to understand these values and reflect their meaning in their everyday work.
The Astoria Police Department enjoys a supportive community that has a high-level of trust in its police department. That’s because we have a professional well-trained police department that is responsive to its community. Our screening for new Police Officer recruits is rigorous. Continuous training is also a top priority, including the proper use of force, communications skills and de-escalation techniques.
We recognize that even isolated incidents of police misconduct anywhere undermine public trust everywhere. Every day we strive to improve community relationships, transparency and accountability and greatly appreciate your support and welcome your feedback.
Public safety is an honorable and difficult profession, and I am proud of the men and women who serve and protect Astoria on a daily basis.
Geoff Spalding
Chief of Police